I can’t believe it’s been four years already since my daughter was born, since I became a mother. And what beautiful four years it’s been! Full of love, countless and endless nappy changes, lots of love and equally many tears (including my own). Somehow it seems like yesterday since I (ok, le hubby) was building our first Stokke Mini sleepi cot in the nursery in our Austrian home and I’ll forever remember the day we brought our daughter home from the hospital and gently placed her in it for the first time… So much has happened in the last few years, I became a mom of two, we have moved countries and continents several times and this has really taught me what I personally find to be really essential and most useful for my kids. There are certain brands I trust and rely on. And Stokke is definitely one of them.

Our Tripp Trapp chair for example has been with us from Austria, to Dubai, South Africa and now Australia, a much loved and daily used piece we wouldn’t want to live without. I remember moving to Africa for a few months and even taking it on the plane in our check-in luggage, just to make sure we had it there to use as soon as we arrived. And the same goes for our Stokke Sleepi bed.

I have documented on my blog here and here how my daughter grew and grew, just as her beloved Stokke Sleepi cot did. And I have loved doing the same now with my son. Again, it feels like yesterday he was born in Australia a little over a year ago, watching this tiny little newborn baby happily snoozing in his Sleepi Mini. Of course he is not that mini anymore, on the contrary actually, he’s just started walking and saying Mama and Papa, but one thing hasn’t changed – he still happily dreams in his Sleepi cot.