So as you might have already guessed, we are heading back to A F R I C A! And we are leaving very soon, in 12 hours to be exact! This time we are staying for ten weeks, based in Johannesburg, where my husband will be working from, while we are planning to do a bit of travelling to different places in South Africa and around the region. This is such a dream come true for me, I always wanted to live there, already when I was a teenager, reading about every book I could find about the most southern part of this wild continent. This, and living in Australia, has always been my dream and while I definitely managed to have a very special connection to the latter (because really, you can’t commit yourself more to a country than marrying into it), South Africa stayed just a place on the map. Never I would have thought it would still happen now, especially after Tilly was born. But really, life is full of surprises and sometimes it just all works out, sometimes by trying really hard, sometimes by coincidence, sometimes simply just by luck.

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